Friday, July 17, 2009

The Host and the Parasite

As the inevitable progression of technology presses on, the world is becoming ever more chaotic. We humans are a virus on Earth. Think about it. Every other living thing in nature is at equilibrium; everything is balanced. We are the exception. Over the many years we have evolved into more intelligent creatures, creating new ways to ensure our survival. Wild animals don’t hunt us anymore in the civilized areas of the world, most of us are not starving, and most of us have some form of shelter. Yet, ironically, we have become exceedingly worse off. We have not grown more intelligent, but more foolish. Humans have become both predator and prey. We kill each other off as we ravish the land and pollute it with the blood of our brothers and the dirt of our society. No, we are not a great species…we are severely flawed.

We are destroying the world that provides us with life and nourishment. What kind of world do you want your children to live in? A world where the sun is blocked out from pollution? A world where grass is replaced by concrete and trees start appearing in museums? We’re killing off animals for fashion and for the sick pleasure it gives some. We’re putting so many chemicals into our bodies and into our environment that food actually has to be marked as organic. This is ridiculous.

What’s the real reason the world is being destroyed? Money. Commerce is ruining our environment. Oil companies are charging $3 a gallon, but are making billions of dollars a year. So I ask you, why do they charge so much? Short answer – they’re greedy, capitalist, selfish scum. It’s not as though our government doesn’t benefit from oil sales either. We can create bombs that can destroy the Earth, but we can’t find an alternate fuel source? It’s not that they can’t, they just don’t want to. They want the money. If cars ran on water and emitted CLEAN waste products who would be making money? No one and that’s the problem. The government isn’t happy unless they’re making money off you somehow. They can tell you anything in the world, and it’ll be a lie. Bill Maher put it best when he said “Be more cynical.” Why are people clubbing baby seals for their fur? To make money? At what? $30 to sell your soul? Is it even worth it? I wouldn't do it for any amount of money so how fucked up do you have to be to do it for $30? To see what I’m actually talking about, go watch a PETA video. You won’t see baby seals getting killed hopefully, but you will unfortunately see animal cruelty at it’s worse. It enrages you in such a way that feelings of violence creep into your head more than just once.

So what is the message of this post? It’s that we, as human beings, have serious issues and we need to repair all the damage we’ve caused or we all have big problems. We need to stop killing each other in pointless wars over land and oil. No, the land isn’t yours because you can’t own it. You can't pack it up and take it with you when you move. It’s not something to be owned. It’s something to be respected and treated with care. If we took care of the land, the land would take care of us. So stop claiming everything is yours because you have a piece of paper from the government stating it’s yours. It’s not yours, it’s no ones to claim. Who does the land belong to? Nature. And as long as you care for and tend the land, nature will allow you to stay on that land for many years. A nuclear war almost broke out between India and Pakistan over a small piece of land called Kashmir. They both thought they had claim, so instead of conversing about it and negotiating about it, they decided it would be easier to just blow each other’s countries up. If the UN hadn’t gotten involved, who knows what would be going on right now, but we would all be affected.

People are so dependent on oil that if gas went up to $5 a gallon they’d still pay. Why? They’re addicted and addiction is a dangerous game. Though this is less true in nations other than the US as I know some European countries mainly use bicycles and public transportation to get from place to place. Also the citizens are more likely to ride bicycles than to repudiate the notion.

If it makes you feel better go ahead and murder the Earth and everything living on it. That will solve all your problems; just make sure you pay for therapy afterwards.

The Guy Blogging

P.S. - What's your stance on the situation? What about our world pisses you off the most?


  1. I agree with you completely. As you said, by nature, humans are parasites. Hell, I’m a vegetarian, I never waste food, and I feel I take only what I absolutely need, but even after all that there is no denying that I’m still consuming an abundance of natural resources to survive. We will never able to replace as much as we take from this earth. Being a parasite is bad enough, but being an evil, malicious, and greedy parasite is another thing. I don’t think humans are inherently evil or mischievous, but rather we are conditioned to be this way through our environment.

    Humans are greedy, selfish, and shortsighted. We take what we want and worry about the consequences later. The other day I was reading a science article which basically said that the things we do to our body today may have an effect on our future generations. For example, if you smoke or maintain an unhealthy diet, not only will you be harming your body and shortening your life, but you will also be effecting your DNA/genetic structure (or some crap like that, I’m no science major) which in turn may also negatively affect any children you have (and their children and so forth). Imagine telling this to someone who is obese (by choice), or someone who is not taking care of their body. Chances are they wouldn’t care. The problem is, it seems “the future” is such a complicated and abstract idea for many people that the well being of our future children and the earth is beyond their rationale. Whether we like the cards that have been dealt to us, we need to accept the responsibility of taking care of ourselves and the place we live in, if not for us, then for the future generations which have no say in the matter.

    “We can create bombs that can destroy the Earth, but we can’t find an alternate fuel source? It’s not that they can’t, they just don’t want to. They want the money”

    This may certainly be the case. Similarly, the cure for AIDS/HIV may indeed be out there, but why save millions of lives when you can make billions of dollars through other avenues?

    “If it makes you feel better go ahead and murder the Earth and everything living on it. That will solve all your problems; just make sure you pay for therapy afterwards.”

    Well said. We never really know what we had until it’s gone.

    Sorry for the long response. I enjoyed your well written and honest thoughts. Looking forward to more of your blogs.

    Peace out.


  2. Thanks Mark. I must say I completely agree with you and I enjoyed your post. I'm pretty sure the only time I have eaten meat was when it was force fed to me as a baby, but then I couldn't know what I was eating. When I was old enough to realize where meat came from I stopped because I was a little boy and I loved animals. To this day I am disgusted when people eat meat now knowing how the animals are killed and what it does to your body.

    I eat as healthy as I can and exercise religiously. And yes what we do to our bodies now will definitely affect the future. Look at the Japanese. American cultured introduced more dairy products to them such as milk and they are growing taller. Whether this correlates to an increase in health or not is beyond my knowledge. I do however remember reading a articles stating that shorter people tend to live longer lives. Whether this is true; I can't say. However it is proven that vegetarians live on average ten years longer than their meat-eating counterparts. You and I should congratulate ourselves that we had the intelligence to realize that being a vegetarian is ultimately better for ourselves and the environment.

    Some of my posts will be like this, but there will be many others about various subjects such as vacation spots, conditioning, nutrition, music, movies, politics, etc. This is really a blog for anything I'm in the mood to write about. Thanks again for the support and I hope all of my future posts entertain you!


  3. Ben and Mark, I agree with both of you. In the end what it boils down to is that the way the majority of the people in the world live today is not sustainable. In history,the hunter-gatherer societies thrived and flourished for thousands of years in harmony with nature. Then sedentary agriculture was developed and civilization as we know it and the destruction of the planet began.

    So overall, I'm not suggesting we should go live in tents and roam the world for sustenance, but what I do know is that something has to change. People need to learn how to live in harmony with nature instead of fighting it. Because in reality, by fighting nature we are stabbing ourselves(and the ozone layer) in the back.
