Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Religion: It's Affect and the Aftermath (Warning: Highly offensive to religious people)

Color me fucking baffled because I just do not get it. How come religion plays such an integral part in so many people's lives and in their beliefs? You can claim that your religion is better and that Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, etc. are only going to Heaven...but that doesn't make it true. What if there doesn't even turn out to be a Heaven? How much of a douchebag would you feel like then? Claiming that only your religion goes to Heaven and there isn't even a Heaven to go? Wow, you would probably feel like an astronomical asshole. It's not that you were wrong about which religion was right, you were wrong about something even existing. That's a giant leap upwards in regards to you fucking up. Would you like a pat on the back now by your omnipresent god?

Regardless, no one religion is right. I don't care if you're Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Wiccan, or any of the other religions in the world. How can there be one right religion? It’s basically just a giant roulette game with peoples’ faith. You bet 23 instead of 24 and you’re eternally fucked. Let’s forget about the fact that they're all basically the same thing with minor changes in belief and simple name changes (well the major ones anyways); you don't even know what is waiting for you after this life. All you have is a belief. A belief? Well that my friend, is useless bullshit. I could believe I had a billion dollars, but that doesn't make it true does it? No, it does not. I could believe I was a superhero, but again I am not. No matter how hard I really do believe, I won't make anything come true. So just because you believe that there is a certain something after death, doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Just because you believe that your religion is the right one, doesn't make it true. Did you ever hear the saying that what's right for one person isn't always right for another? Yes? No? Well it's true either way. And I'm thinking specifically about Christianity when I say this; stop pushing your religion onto other people. No one really cares what you believe or how great your God is. If they did, they'd be coming to you. People are not like women in bars when it comes to religion. They don't wait back hoping you'll pick them out of the crowd. They don't feel special when you go over and talk to them. But just in case you do, at least buy them a drink first. It'll make the pain of your incredibly boring, long, over enthusiastic sales pitch that more bearable.

What is religion? Well Webster’s defines it as...who gives a fuck? What has religion ever done for you? Now I know, I know. It gives you something to believe in right? You should believe in yourself. You shouldn't need religion to be your crutch. It's pathetic when people say, "Jesus or God or Allah or that witch from Bewitched or maybe even Sabrina the Teenage Witch will come and save us. If we trust in them we'll be just fine." No you won't! You really think some higher being (if they do exist) really cares about you? What higher being would allow the catastrophic state we're in? No I know, it's all part of a higher purpose right? Yes? No, wrong again but thanks for playing. You cannot base your life around a silly belief that there is a higher purpose if you don't know if there even is a higher being to create a higher purpose. Jesus Christ! And I say that only as an expression, not to announce I believe in Jesus. Was he alive at once time? How should I know? Do I care? Of course not. Why? Because it has absolutely nothing to do with me or my life.

Religion is an excuse for hatred, murder, and thievery; for example the crusades and Jihad. Think of all the death that came about; men and young men dying by the sword, their skin punctured with arrows, and their bodies crushed by massive stones flung by catapults. A bit gruesome isn't it? And you know why it happened? Religion. Hm what's another horrible thing that happened because of religion? Oh right, the Holocaust. Not only did it cause the deaths of over six million people, it also almost destroyed the world. Imagine if the Nazis had risen to power and defeated U.S. and Russia? Which they would have had they not attacked Russia while attacking the European countries to the west of them on the western front. Could you imagine a world where freedom was non-existent and you were killed just because someone didn't like the way you looked or talked? Yeah and it almost happened because of religion.

Religion is the people of the world using another medium to get things done or to use as a medium for blame. "Oh I didn't clean the house because I prayed to God to make the house clean. He didn't do it? Oh my gosh! Why God, why would you do that to me?" I'll tell you little Billy...because God may not be real. Based on scientific evidence, God may be just a clusterfuck of stars somewhere in our universe. Is that true? Who knows? You can say it's not...but how do you know? If you deny that it is true at all, then you sir or madam are a hypocrite. Without proof, you cannot prove or disprove any theory. Your theory is God; mine is a clusterfuck of stars. Let's leave it at that.

Don't hesitate to leave comments agreeing or disagreeing; just promise not to incur the wrath of your God on me if you severely disagree.


The Guy Blogging

P.S. - Be sure to check out Bill Maher's Religulous if this at all interests you. Every religion is made fun of so even if you are slightly insulted by it, you can have a laugh at another religion's expense more than once. If you're like me, then you can laugh at them all. It is also quite informative and eye-opening as it is a mockumentary.


  1. (Sorry i kind of wrote an essay here. I've always had trouble with the whole "short and sweet thing" lol)

    You make some very good points here, points I agree with. Something to add is how religions have evolved over time. Throughout history when a religion was brought to a new area, it would often be altered to incorporate aspects of the local religion and folklore to make it more appealing to potential converts. This leads to the question, how can the correct "way" be altered like this and still be correct? The very fact that there are different religions and even different forms of a single religion sprouts doubt. How can there be multiple single correct paths? Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

    In my opinion one of the greatest lies of religion is the illusion of unity. Sure there may be some degree of unity within one religion, but it divides the human population as a whole.

    Now I'm not one to say that religion is or isn't valid, no one is. So why spend time worrying about what may or may not even be true? Heaven, Hell, or reincarnated as an earthworm; no one knows what comes next, all you can do is live in the moment and be happy now.

    So what I believe in is human intelligence. We have an incredible ability to learn and question, and it unites us. Just think, if just a fraction of the time spent worshiping and praying was spent thinking and inventing the world would be much better off then it is today.

  2. Again, I agree with everything you have said! I especially enjoyed the last paragraph as it is a brilliant truth.
